Equity Fitness

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January Spotlight Member - Lindsey Louisignau

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
    I got started on my CrossFit journey about 13 years ago. A friend from school's husband owned a garage gym that did CrossFit based workouts but wasn't an actual CrossFit gym. I learned fundamentals of certain lifts and how to pace myself in workouts. At first it was obviously really hard but I began to realize how much I loved it and the community aspect that a gym can create. After a few years, they had to close their gym and I was on the search for another gym to keep up with the high intensity and motivational workouts. I joined Frontline CrossFit when they were located in Aston, PA. Met a lot of awesome people and did my first CrossFit competitions there. After a few years, my hubby Tim wanted to find somewhere he could do Strongman training and met with Berek to talk about when he could get in to train. That conversation turned into him becoming a Strongman coach on Sundays and me going in to Strongman train too. I loved hanging out with everyone so much that I switched from Frontline to Equity and have loved being a part of this family ever since! Equity has truly changed my life and is always my happy hour when I get to class.

  2. How long have you been a member at Equity?
    I have been a member at equity for 7 years! (Dec. 21, 2015)

  3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?
    Do it!!! It will be the best decision you ever make for yourself! 

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?
    My first impression was that I did not fit in at all because of how gymnasty some people were and how fit they all looked when I joined. I have never been one to take my shirt off during a workout like some people feel confident enough to do. To me I was like an outsider. I learned very quickly that no one is an outsider at equity. Everyone is welcoming and humble and always cheering everyone on. Everyone has different goals and abilities in and outside of the gym. I realized that just because I wasn't confident in one aspect of my fitness level didn't mean that I couldn't balance another teammate out in another way. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. It is all about how you progress with them.

  5. How has the gym improved you life?
    How do you think the gym will improve your life in the future? The gym has improved my life tremendously. Like I said I was always super low in my confidence and scared to try new things. I played one sport all my life and it was soccer. I stuck with it year round and that was it. Coming to Equity I had to try everything and step out of my comfort zone. When I started to practice some things or work on my strength and started to see some of my goals and PRs met, I gained more and more confidence and felt better about myself and eager to learn more and keeping working my butt off.

  6. What do you do for a living and how has Crossfit impacted that?
    I am a 1st grade teacher at a Title 1 school in Wilmington, Delaware. Crossfit has impacted my energy level at work, which we all know you need when you have 20 first graders in your classroom, 3 of which have IEPs and 2 who will be getting one within this year most likely. I taught Kindergarten for 8 years before that, which is even more of an energy necessity. My students are very energetic and have many needs and in order for me to be the best that I can for them I need to feel my best. You perform how you feel. And in this case I am always on my feet and on the go.
    I am also a mother of 2 beautiful little girls. Emma is 6 years old and Lacy is 4 years old. To say they use up most of whatever energy I have left most days is an understatement haha. No they are good, but yes exhausting going from 20 1st graders right into momming it. I wouldn't change it for the world. My girls see me lifting in the garage or come to the family workouts we have at the gym and they are excited to do a workout with me. I just love that. I love that they see their mommy lifting and doing the same workouts that the boys do. I love that they want to come to the gym with me and they want to learn new things. 

  7. What is your proudest moment at the gym?
    Hmmm...my proudest moment. To be honest, I think my proudest moment wasn't even about me. It was bringing my girls to their first parent/kid workout and just seeing them trying all of the things that were programmed in the class and wishing I was trying these things at this age. They tried it even though they were nervous and it made me so proud to be their mom and to see that they  built up their confidence right then and there. They were so proud of themselves too which I loved.


    Food: shrimp tacos

    Color: pink (like hot pink)

    Movie: Bridesmaids

    TV Show: FRIENDS

    Holiday: Christmas

    CrossFit Movement: Clean & Jerk

    Thank you Lindsey for being a part of the Equity Family!