Equity Fitness

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Is Your Environment Setting You Up for Failure?

You are what you consume and that includes people, content, and your surroundings.

Are you constantly around 4 people that complain, blame others, and are vice driven? You will be the 5th.

Choose the people around you and especially the ones you interact with the most. Choose content that enlightens and breeds growth versus content that numbs and/or creates divisions. Choose the food in your fridge, the art on your walls, the prints on the walls, the cleanness of your car.

What does your environment say about your priorities and values?

  • Put your workout shoes by the front door instead of buried in your closet.

  • Hang a print of a quote that encapsulates your core values so you see it everyday.

  • Find a supportive and positive group of people with similar goals and values.

  • Hide or completely avoid having foods that you can’t control yourself with in the house.

How do you setup your environment for success? What is 1 thing you can do this week to create a better environment for yourself? Let me know. berek.bryan@equity.fitness. Seriously I want to know. Email me.
