October Member Spotlight: Lee Morris

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1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
December of 2012 my son (Joe Morris) was home on winter break and told me he’d been doing CrossFit at U of D and he was going to check out a gym near our home in PA and asked if I wanted to come with him. He showed me the wod that we’d be doing and I laughed, I couldn’t do any of the movements. He told me how everything is scaled and encouraged me to try. I did and it was amazing. I couldn’t believe how he and I could do the same wod, me with many modifications of course, and both get so much out of it. I liked the diversity of people and movements.
I just kept going back after he went back to school and soon became an unlimited member, going everyday.

2. How long have you been a member at Equity?
Officially I think it’s been 5 years but I had been dropping in now and again for years prior to moving to Delaware in 2016.

3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?
I don’t have an original answer for this I am going to say the same thing everyone else says , do it, don’t hesitate, just do it. It will be one of the best decisions you’ll make. You will improve your body, your mind, your attitude, and you’ll be welcomed by the friendliest group around.

4. What was your first impression? How has that changed?
My first impression was that it was a very friendly gym with strong athletes. Once I got past being awestruck and started believing I could do these things too I really started listening to the coaches I found it to be a place where every athlete from beginner to most seasoned can continue to improve and learn new things from the knowledgeable coaching staff.

5. How has the gym improved your life?
It has improved every aspect of my life. My family and friends are there and I love spending time with them doing what we love to do and I enjoy meeting new members and seeing them fall in love with CrossFit and Equity. I’ve learned what my body is capable of doing physically and I’ve learned how to be mentally strong, especially when it’s overhead squat day.

6. How will the gym improve your life in the future? It will allow me to keep up with my grandson,JJ, who brings me joy and laughter every day.

7. Favorite gym story?
I don’t have a single story that stands out, it’s more of a collection of special events such as wedding and baby wods or the hangouts after holiday wods and pool and Christmas parties that make Equity the unique and special gym that it is.

Food - Ice Cream
TV show - A Million Little Things and This Is Us
Movie - Pretty Woman
Color - Purple
Holiday - New Years Day
Crossfit movement - Burpee

Thanks Lee!!

— Kelli


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