How-To Build Upper-body Strength - Equity Podcast 67

Full podcast here

  1. Understand Why
    Do a pull-ups, Rx workouts, look good, feel good, carry my kids, etc.

  2. The Basics
    Vertical push and pull, horizontal push and pull, static exercises. Hit all the muscles: biceps, triceps, forearms, delts, lats, chest, midline, etc

  3. Focus
    We want to be able to handle whatever life throws at us. To make considerable gains in one area we have to put more focus and effort in that area. This is how you ACCELERATE progress

  4. Time
    Strength takes time. To build a base of strength can takes years. You can see results in as little as 4 to 6 weeks.

  5. Structure and Accountability
    Having structure and accountability is how you really put gas on the fire. There are different levels to that.
    A) Do upper-body strength work 2 days a week for 30 minutes using the basics above
    B) Check out the FREE program we provide on our website.
    C) Use our Individual Design program to laser focus on your goals. We have an example week on our website.

Check out the FREE program. It is a wonderful place to start.

Thank you.

Coach Berek


December Spotlight Member - Sebi John


Sleeping with Caffeine & Alcohol - Equity Podcast 66