Sleeping with Caffeine & Alcohol - Equity Podcast 66

Full podcast here.

Caffeine and alcohol noticeably affect sleep for people.

You also have people that can go to sleep after drinking coffee and those that say a night cap helps them get to sleep. Both of these cases may be true. The issue is caffeine and alcohol have proven affects on the quality and architecture of your sleep.

Yes you may be able to fall asleep after caffeine but the sleep you are getting is sub-optimal at best.

Yes you may zonk out after drinking some alcohol but how refreshed do you feel the next morning?

By not consuming caffeine 6-8 hours before bed we set ourselves up for better sleep. By limiting the days we consume alcohol and consuming it as far from sleep as we can we will get better sleep.

We still want to enjoy life. If you are having issues with energy and are not getting quality sleep this is a great starting place.

Check out these two resources to learn more about sleep.
Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker
Huberman Lab Podcast by Andrew Huberman

Hope this helps.

Thank you.

Coach Berek


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You Don't Have to Go So Fast - Equity Podcast 65