December Spotlight Member - Sebi John

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
    I actually was introduced to CrossFit at the State Police academy. Which is where I felt I was in the best physical state of my life. I took a break from it after the academy and got reintroduced to it at the end of 2018 and haven’t looked back.  

  2. How long have you been a member at Equity?
    4 years

  3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?
    Just do it! I feel for a lot of people the term “Cross-fit” makes them feel some kind of way. Equity is different than most gyms, the coaches here really make sure that you feel comfortable before joining a classroom setting. Once you are fully doing a classroom setting the coaches are still there for you. They make sure you feel comfortable and try to maximize your strengths and work on your challenges without feeling embarrassed. Everyone has to start somewhere … So why not Equity?    

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?
    It was a cold day when I first walked into CrossFit Equity ….  And it’s still cold. Honestly, I was scared walking into the gym. Most gyms you are on your own and you do your workouts and you leave. At equity the coaches and members were so welcoming. They want to be a part of your life and they try hard to make sure no one feels like an outsider.     

  5. How has the gym changed your life?
    The gym has not only helped me in my physical fitness life but it has helped me in my personal life as well. When I used to go to non-CrossFit gyms, I was a very closed off person. Joining CrossFit Equity and being part of their family has really helped me be more personal with people. I have made many friends, a bestie/workout partner and become part of a larger family (doesn’t mean you get out of tickets).    

  6. What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit impacted that?
    I am a State Trooper. As many know the work we do requires that you always be a step above your opponents. CrossFit Equity has helped me do that. These workouts they program have helped me get stronger, faster and gain better stamina.

  7. What is your proudest moment at the gym?
    There has been many moments. For me every time I learn a new movement or have the ability to put more weight, than what I was able to do before on the bar is really exciting for me.   


    Food- Thai food

    Color – Black/ Dark Gray

    Movie – All James Bond Movies (With Daniel Craig)

    TV Show – Seinfeld

    Holiday – Thanksgiving

    CrossFit Movement – Pull-ups 

    Thank you Sebi for being a part of the Equity Family!!


Intention Over Intensity


How-To Build Upper-body Strength - Equity Podcast 67