Intention Over Intensity

Are you constantly burning out, getting hurt/injured, having trouble reaching your goals?

A lot of times we can get caught into the trap of harder, faster, and more before we are ready for it.

What is your goal? Does your intention of the day align with that goal? Instead of focusing on max intensity, weight, and volume focus on intention.

Why do most people fail their New Year's resolutions? Because that start with too high intensity. Instead of working out 5 days a week and eating salad everyday, walk 3 days a week and prep your lunch for the week. Start with what you can handle on your worst day/week. People tend to start with their best effort possible then when they can't continue they give up.

Consistency is the way. Intention is the way. Mechanics, consistency, THEN intensity.

Coach Berek

Check out the full podcast here:


9 Tips to Sleep Like a Baby


December Spotlight Member - Sebi John