Individual Design


Want to fast track reaching your goal? Want the workouts and accessories tailored to you and your goals? Want to know exactly what movement and weight to do every day?

Our Individual Design provides tailored and focused work towards your goals to get you where you want to go faster. 

What you get

  • The entire week of workouts delivered by Sunday (usually Friday)

  • Tailored goals for each workout

  • Specific movement, distance, and weight selections

  • Weekly feedback via Google Doc

  • Monthly InBody Scan

Check out an example week from one of our members.



Add-On to Group Training: $99
Complete Individual design: $199

Want more information or interested in fast tracking your results? Shoot me a message.


Joseph Carey

“I started hybrid because I love the group class atmosphere but wanted to focus on some goals that I had and hopefully speed up my progress. Specifically I wanted to build strength faster than I was doing in group class and spend time focusing on some skills I felt I lacked. I also felt like I needed a little extra help knowing what to do in class (picking weights, rep schemes, what to focus on, etc).

The three things I love about Hybrid -

1) The personalized daily workouts sent in advance - I love not having to figure out what to do every day - I can just show up and do the work and know the modifications are right for my goals. I also love being able to plan out my week and know what's coming.

2) The accessory plan that is tailored to my goals and needs.

3) The regular feedback and communication with the coach that helps them adjust the plan and helps me know if I'm on the right path.

All in all, I love my hybrid membership and think it has been a great value!”

Mandy Myers

"Before I signed up for hybrid, I usually lived in L2 territory for the workouts, and thought that was where I belonged. My hybrid coach got me doing heavier weights and higher skills than I was used to, and while occasionally we had to make adjustments, generally I was pleasantly surprised at how much I could handle. Pretty soon I was Rx-ing most workouts in class. I have seen huge gains in most of my lifts from the extra accessory work, and also enjoy filling in holes that we don't normally have time to address in class. I'm not sure I could go back to a regular membership at this point!"