The Dog Method: Mobility and Flexibility

🐶🐶🐶 Learn from your Dog and Increase your Mobility and Flexibility

Have you ever noticed that dogs don't stretch or warm-up before chasing a squirrel. We are not dogs so we still need to warm-up before we workout. However they stretch every time they get up and move.

Every time a dog gets up from a nap or some laying down what do they do? They stretch. We can take this concept and use it to our advantage. If you do a lot of sitting at your job you have are great opportunity to improve your fitness. 

Just like your dog whenever you get up from you desk hit a stretch. A simple overhead stretch with interlocked fingers is perfect. A flamingo stretch would be a great one as well to hit the hip flexor.

What do you have the most issues with ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, wrists, hamstrings, and/or lats? That is the area you should focus on the most.

Consistency and frequency are the two biggest contributors toward making improvements in anything. Frequency is making sure to work on the problem areas 2-3 times a week and consistency is making sure to keep that frequency going. Only doing this for a week will not lead to results.


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