Holiday Nutrition Strategies: Trigger Foods

Over the next few months we will be doing a series of posts about how to get through the holidays without putting on unwanted extra weight.

A lot of people go to parties with the best of intentions then it can get off the rails. One of the issues is trigger foods. These are consumables that tend to get you started down the road of over eating. These foods can be part of a healthy diet but tend to lead to other places.

A great example of a trigger food would be chips and salsa/guacamole. These tend to be an appetizer and are really salty which leads to countering the salt with something sweet or savory. 

Another example would be alcoholic beverages. These are generally sweet so we look for something salty or savory to counter that sweetness. Plus as you become intoxicated you are likely to eat less than ideal food and more of it.

Everyone's trigger food can be different, we just need to identify it and have a plan. Avoiding your trigger all together would be one option and having a hard limit on it can also help. 

If you are attending a party or get together this holiday season have a plan and have fun.

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