Equity Fitness

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September Member Spotlight: Dave Solomon

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
    My CrossFit journey started with unhappiness in my "extreme dad bod" and wanting to set a good example for my sons. I've always played sports, went to the gym, and was very active but found myself letting life take over and making excuses for not being active anymore. I had surgery a few years back to remove 1ft of intestine and after that, it was very hard to do anything let alone workout for quite some time. From there it just snowballed into weeks, months, and then years. I'd tell myself I'd go to the gym tomorrow, next week, or start eating better after the holidays. I was 50 lbs overweight and not happy about it. I decided I needed to get back into the gym. At this point, I knew I needed to get out of my comfort zone. I had heard about CrossFit before and didn't think the whole group workout thing was for me or people would tell me about all kinds of injuries in CrossFit (other out-of-shape people). I knew a former member here and talked to him about trying it out over a couple of months and decided I'd skeptically/reluctantly give it a try. I contacted Berek and found myself meeting a short ginger fellow for a no-sweat intro. He gave me the option of starting the on-ramp or just going into classes (still skeptical). I thought to myself "I didn't need to do any on-ramp, I'll start straight into classes". Needless to say, I probably should have done the on-ramp. I didn't realize how out of shape I was and 40 is not the new 20!! I honestly thought I'd do CrossFit for a couple of months to jumpstart my workout routine then leave. Well, a three-day-a-week membership turned into unlimited a couple of months later and I'm glad I stuck around!

  2. How long have you been a member at Equity?
    Almost 2 years!

  3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?
    Make a commitment, get out of your comfort zone and give it a shot. Nothing worth having comes easy!

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?
    My first impression was what the hell did I get myself into. I'll never be able to keep up with these people, and I was a little intimidated with group workouts. My thought process quickly changed into not worrying about others and making myself better. I'm still sucking wind some or most days and wonder what I got myself into at times but I now trust the process. Oh and no longer skeptical lol!!

  5. What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit made an impact? I'm a manager for a telecom company. I've found that I've stopped being tired every morning or hitting that wall in the afternoons. I also believe my stress level at work has gone way down.

  6. How has the gym improved your life?
    The gym has improved my life immensely. Just day-to-day things like yard work or doing things around the house no longer exhaust me. I have more energy to do things with my family (playing basketball, having a catch, hiking, etc) that I was extremely lacking before I started here. The gym has not only improved my life but also my whole family. The changes in my eating habits have in turn changed the whole household willingly. The physical changes I have made inspired my sons to work out on their own more, make a concerted effort to work hard and be accountable. Also, my overall outlook has changed quite a bit. Being around so many positive, encouraging people really does make a difference when you take a step back and think about it both mentally and physically.

  7. What is your favorite activity outside of the gym?
    Really anything with my family. Hiking at Fairhill with our dogs, mountain biking, fishing, beaches in the summer, and skiing in the winter.


Color-Blue, Red
Movie- All Rocky movies
TV show - Breaking Bad
Holiday - 4th of July
CrossFit Movement - lifting heavy stuff...not burpees or that rope

Thank you Dave for being a part of the Equity Family!

— Kelli