Equity Fitness

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October Spotlight Member - Carly Fisher

1.  How did you get started on your Crossfit journey? I did a national program called BirthFit, offered at a local chiropractic office- taught by Crossfit health professionals who are moms. It's all about not shying away from fitness while pregnant and actually building strength to prepare for birth and all the physical demands of being a mom as well as smart post partum recovery. I was able to have a totally unmedicated natural birth- which was an incredible experience that showed me how strong I actually am. I used to be someone who hated being in gyms (Before I’d rather do long distance trail running by myself) but the community and fitness education I received from these badass Crossfit moms got me hooked on functional fitness. I moved back to Elkton in 2019 and started looking for a Crossfit gym. I'm so glad I found Equity!

2.  How many years have you been a member at Equity? 4

3.  Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity? Expect to be out of your comfort zone (That's where the magic happens). Keep showing up, you'll soon be proud of yourself.

4.  What was your first impression and how has that changed? I was surprised by how much fun people seemed to be having working their butts off. Then I was surprised by how much fun I was having. Today I'm still surprised every time I leave a workout after pushing myself to my limit or getting my butt kicked- and then somehow still thinking- that was fun!

5.  How has the gym improved your life?  I’m a happier person when I get in my Crossfit- it's my therapy, what can I say. I have more energy as well as practical strength for the everyday demands of keeping our family homestead going.

6.  What do you do for a living and how has Crossfit impacted that? As a clinical nutritionist I support people with chronic and lifestyle induced conditions or simply help people optimize their health through personalized nutrition therapy. Being at Equity has allowed me to see first hand the huge mental and physical benefits of strength training- something I encourage folks to explore in my private practice.

7.  What is your proudest moment at the gym and/or favorite moment? Finally getting double-unders


Food: any kind of seafood

Color: green

Movie: Steel Magnolias

TV Show: Peaky Blinders

Holiday: Christmas

Crossfit Movement: Push jerk (and wallballs…)