November Spotlight Member - Andrew Lewis

  1.  How did you get started on your Crossfit journey?  My parents brought me to the youth class when I was 13 years old.

  2. How many years have you been a member at Equity?  I have been a member for about 6 years now.

  3.  Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?  I think it’s a great decision, not only as it can benefit your health, but the equity family is also a great group of people. The coaches are amazing down to earth people who have helped me a lot these past 5 years.

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?  My first impression of Crossfit has changed drastically from what it is now. At first, I didn’t look forward to working out only twice a week, I was out of shape and didn’t put much effort in the beginning. Over the years I have noticed drastic changes in my appearance and overall health. I now look forward to working out 5-6 days a week and having a good time with friends within the gym.

  5. How has the gym improved your life?   The gym has improved my life in many ways.  For starters my overall strength, cardio, gymnastics, weightlifting, and aerobics have improved and continue to do so. The gym has also helped with mental struggles and always seems to make me happy no matter what seems to be bothering me at the time. 

  6. What do you do for a living and how has Crossfit impacted that?  I am a construction worker, with Crossfit I can lift heavy objects such as carrying a bundle of shingles (which weighs about 80 pounds) up and down a ladder on a 3-story building multiple times a day. Crossfit has helped me with my balance as well, I can easily walk across rafters on a roof without the fear of falling. 

  7. What is your proudest Crossfit moment?   My proudest moment in my years of doing Crossfit was placing in the top 200 in the Crossfit Games Open at age 16.  From there I made it to the online age group qualifier where I competed for a spot at the Crossfit Games.  Although I didn’t qualify for the games it was definitely a highlight of my life. 


Food - chipotle steak bowl

Colors - black and blue

TV show - The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad

Movie - The Devil all the Time

Holiday - Thanksgiving

Crossfit Movement - Power Clean


Practice and Train to Reach Your Goals - The Equity Podcast


8 Tips to Succeed During the Holiday Party Season