Michael Chromczak - 2024 QF Athlete

We have 19 of our members make it to the Quarterfinals of the CrossFit Games this year. These individuals are the top 25% of the field. What helps them reach this level of success? Lets find out.

Michael qualified for Men (65+)

1. How often do you train?

I train almost every day at Equity with Saturdays being my only challenge with my work schedule.

What do you do for recovery?

Unfortunately I don’t really have a recovery program. When I ran a ton of obstacle course races (which I hope to get back to at some point) I would get in a slow 3-5 mile run to loosen up the legs on Monday afternoons.

What does your nutrition look like?

Though I sincerely try to eat clean and healthy, I am not as consistent as I should be…. Not exactly a great example to follow…

2. Why do you workout?

I expect to live well past 100, but to do so I want to be as healthy, strong, and well rounded as possible. Plus, many times the gym is my mental health therapy. Finally, I’ve always enjoyed being active and mobile, so it’s a natural thing for me to want to do.

Do you like competing?

I don’t think I have as strong a competitive edge or desire as I used to when I was younger. I’d say I am a little competitive, but more so against myself than others.

3. What are your top 3 favorite workout movements?

Perhaps back squats, deadlifts, and maybe pull-ups?

4. What was your goal for the Open?

I truly didn’t have a goal except to do what I could. Having had both knees replaced less than a year ago and a rotator cuff issue, I was just hoping to finish in the top half, not really knowing what to expect… especially since I am still working on linking double unders, my current love to hate movement!

What is your goal for QF?

While I’d love to make the semis, I’ll just leave it there. I’ll do my best and see where it all falls out.

5. What is your daytime gig?

I’m a manager in a distribution facility.

6. How do you balance working out with life?

Working out is a part of my daily routine. It helps me to relax and clear my thoughts!

7. Do you have any other hobbies?

I love obstacle course racing (Spartan, SavageRace, etc), I enjoy Astronomy, I play Chess, and enjoy visiting places of interest.

8. What advice would you give to ....

someone just starting their workout journey?

Don’t quit! An old cliché but… the only person you are competing with is the person you were yesterday!

Proper form is infinitely more important than moving more weight. You’ll eventually achieve what you’re seeking if your form is correct!

Finally, enjoy YOUR journey! Meet and share with others who enjoy the journey also! It’s always better with friends!

someone wanting to reaching QF in the future?

Listen to your coaches, they have your best interests at heart. Find and work on your weaknesses…


Lee Morris - 2024 QF Athlete


Ashley Modaressi - 2024 QF Athlete