Lee Morris - 2024 QF Athlete

We have 19 of our members make it to the Quarterfinals of the CrossFit Games this year. These individuals are the top 25% of the field. What helps them reach this level of success? Lets find out.

Lee qualified for Women (55-59)

1. How often do you train? What do you do for recovery? What does your nutrition look like?
I workout at equity 6 days a week and I workout with Joe and Cole on the 7th day. Additionally, I do abs and cardio daily.
I don’t have a recovery routine.
Nutrition lately has been working to have 3 solid meals a day, which cuts down on snacking from missing meals.

2. Why do you workout? Do you like competing?
I workout because it’s what I’ve always done. CrossFit has definitely been the most enjoyable routine though.

I have a competitive nature so I enjoy that CrossFit lets me compete with myself. I try not to worry about how I compare to others for fear that will suck the fun out of it.

3. What are your top 3 favorite workout movements?
No secret my favorite movements are bar hang, sit-ups and burpees.

4. What was your goal for the Open? What is your goal for QF?
I had/have no goals. Very happy to be a part of the fun.

5. What is your daytime gig?
Daytime gig is GMom extraordinaire

6. How do you balance working out with life?

7. Do you have any other hobbies?

8. What advice would you give to .... someone just starting their workout journey? someone wanting to reaching QF in the future?
The only advice is to definitely give it a try and not to get caught up in comparing yourself to others, just bring your best 


Jennifer Watunya - 2024 QF Athlete


Michael Chromczak - 2024 QF Athlete