May Spotlight Member - Andrea Shelley

1.  How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
BJ actually got me into CrossFit. I’ve always been an active person, playing sports through middle school and high school and recreation leagues after that. Then I got into lifting weights at planet fitness and that’s what I was doing when Bj and I met. As soon as he started taking my to CrossFit I fell in love with it and I’ve been doing it ever since. So shoutout to my fiancé 

2.  How many years have you been a member at Equity?
I’ve been an official member for technically three years but have been coming as a “drop in” and “bring a friend” for five years lol. 

3.  Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?
Listen to your body. Don’t do a movement just to say you can, if you don’t have the technique down. Whether that’s a lifting movement with a lot of weight or a gymnastics movement. Be smart and get the technique first. It’s not worth the injury, trust me! You will get there on your own time when you’ve got that movement down packed.

4.  What was your first impression and how has that changed?
I was super intimidated by CrossFit when I started coming. Everyone was super strong and knew what they were doing. As I got into it I realized you have to do it at your own pace. CrossFit is a community and a big family, everyone’s there to support you not judge you! 

5.  How has the gym improved your life?  How will the gym improve your life in the future?
I’ve always been big into fitness. Since coming to equity I’ve gained a lot of friends and friends for life. Because of this, I WANT to go to the gym. It’s a huge motivator to workout when you’re working out with friends so I’m able to stay fit and active. Right now I’m working on my nutrition with a coach at the gym and I am seeing changes in my performance at the gym already. I can’t wait to see how I am a year from now. 

6.  What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit impacted that?
I am a nurse who works bedside. The nurse life is taxing and exhausting on your body and your mind. Crossfit of course has helped me move better and made me stronger which helps with lifting and moving patients and being on my feet for 12+ hrs of the day but more so it’s been a release for me. Going to CrossFit is my outlet for de-stressing and letting go of the emotional and mental toll grasp nursing puts on you.

7.  What is your proudest moment at the gym and/or favorite moment?
I don’t think I have a single proudest moment. Any time I am able to PR a lift is a proud moment for me. My most recent proudest moments were when I PR’d my snatch and clean and jerk. But another proud moment was when I got my first muscle up after injuring myself on one almost two years ago. I didn’t do the moment right and I knew but went for it anyways. Since then I had been getting stronger and working on my technique, refusing to do one if my form was not right. Finally everything get aligned and I was able to do one with all the right form. I was very proud of myself for it. 

Food - Mexican 
Color - white
Movie - Jurassic World
TV Show - Yellowstone
Holiday - Christmas
Crossfit Movement - anything squatting 


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