March Member Spotlight: Jered Price

  1.  How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
    I was actually introduced to Equity by Shannon, a previous member, we were talking about gyms and exercising. She and I were coworkers at ATI at the time. She told me about Equity, I went to take a visit and the rest is history!

  2. How long have you been a member at Equity? 
    I have been with Equity since September/October 2016.

  3. What is your best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity? 
    For anyone on the fence about joining, I would say to them: With introductory classes, and multiple options, there are so many ways to get started on your fitness journey! The training and coaching is phenomenal and you won't be disappointed. 

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed? 
    My first impression was that it reminded me of a lot of the HIIT training I used to do when I was younger in college, but a lot more structured and community driven. And over time I have come to really appreciate the community we have built up, as well as the positive influences on my health. 

  5. What is your favorite activity to do outside of the gym? 
    Outside of the gym I enjoy road-biking, reading, gaming, as well as acting on the side haha. 

  6. How has the gym improved your life? 
    The gym has improved my life immensely by helping me to yes get stronger, but also to recognize the dietary necessity of a healthy life. And really learn about what goes into making a healthy body.

  7. Favorite gym story?  
    I don't know if I can have ONE favorite gym story. Between all the amazing Christmas parties, summer parties, and large groups heading down to team ESAC competitions, even competing with Marissa(my wife) in one of the team competitions!  Not to mention the awesome atmosphere in the gym for CF Open Friday nights. There are many great stories that are all my favorite. 


Meat lovers Stromboli

Moose tracks ice cream 


Anything from Mel Brooks, but specifically Spaceballs and RH:MIT. 

Christmas, if I had to pick. For the opportunity to be with family and friends. As well as just being able to slow down, relax and enjoy the moment. 

CF movement:
Who has a favorite? They are all loathed, however my LEAST loathed would be either wall balls, rowing, , and sandbag work. Only because I am good at them, haha. 

Thank you Jered for being a member of the Equity Family!  #investinyourself

Thank you,


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