2 Ways to Break Your Plateau

When you are tired of spinning your wheels try these two out.

  1. Get help with your Nutrition
    Everyone thinks their nutrition is “pretty good”. Get another set of eyes on your nutrition. We trick ourselves all the time into this is “healthy” or “I don’t eat candy everyday so I’m good”. It doesn’t matter how good you are training if your nutrition is bad your foundation is bad.

    Contact Krista to setup a 20 minute session to review a personal approach to your nutrition.

  2. Get help 1-1 with that thing you are struggling with
    In our group classes we do a ton of coaching for each individual but to gain skills or strength or refine other areas you need times of focus.

    For example if I want to get kipping pull-ups you first need a strict pull-up then you need to build and refine the skill. During our group classes we may do pull-ups once a week and that is with different styles mixed in. So learning them my take a long time, for some people that is fine but others want it yesterday. In order to gain that skill we want to get we need to focus on it for a period of time and put after practice on it.

    Contact me with what you are tired of struggling with so we can build a plan to dominate it.



4 Takeaways From the 2021 Open - The Equity Podcast: Episode 15


March Member Spotlight: Jered Price