Equity Fitness

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January Member Spotlight: Dave Mitchell

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
    I was looking for a way to get some regular exercise after I retired from Corporate America and before I started teaching.  The typical gyms were uninspiring and tough to make a habit.  While visiting my brother in Reno, he took me to a CrossFit gym.  It was very interesting and I could see my brother was benefiting from the workouts.  Motivated to beat my brother, I got home and went searching for a CrossFit gym.  Google identified Equity as the closest and I came in with a neighbor.  The red-beard man let us go through a workout (before on-ramping).  Although I had never done almost all the exercises, I have been coming for almost 4 years.

  2. How many years have you been a member at Equity?
    4 yrs, starting January 2017

  3. Best advice for someone thinking of becoming a member at Equity?
    Take a chance and do it.  I have brought many folks for a try out and talked to many others about CrossFit.  Everyone seems concerned about getting hurt and not being able to do the workout.  The power of equity is that we have great coaches, if you listen to them injury is a low probability.  There is also no program that you can't do, it just may be different than someone else and more customized to your abilities.  It certainly doesn't mean it is easier or you won't get a good workout.

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?
    I had never played organized sports or had any workout regime.  All the movements were a mystery to me, including the warm ups.  Aside from the workouts, learning the form and technique has been fun and ongoing.  It is always interesting.  I am normally an introvert, but I have never felt out of place in the gym even though there are people of all ages and all abilities.  This was certainly a factor in continuing my participation.

  5. How has the gym improved your life?
    For me, functional fitness describes my goals and what I have achieved at equity.  I am not limited to what I can do in real life and I rarely have any pain - except that I am sore everyday.  Secondly, I get a chance to interact with a group of first rate humans, of all ages, that I would be unlikely to encounter without the gym.

Food - Yes
Color - Green
Movie - Star Wars - it defined what a science fiction movie could look like
Holiday - Thanksgiving
CrossFit movement - Toes to Bar

Thank you Dave for being a member of the Equity Family!

Thank you for reading,