Process Goals > Result Goals

The classic new years goal is to lose weight. This can be the catalyst that gets a lot of people moving in the right direction for their long term health and wellness. However, lots of people get weeks into working on their goal and realize they are not hitting it and give up. So lets try something a bit different.

Think about the type of person that can and will lose say 20 pounds. What does that person do? Do they workout 3-5 days a week, eat real whole food, get enough sleep, drink water? You bet.

So instead of setting a goal of losing 20 pounds set a goal of the processes that will help you become the person you want to be become.

Here is an example

So instead of just focusing on the scale and worrying about the 20 pounds what if we followed the processes goals below?

  • For January to March I am going to walk for 30 minutes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and I am going to eat a vegetable everyday.

  • For April to June start a group training class 3 days a week and pack my lunch Monday through Friday.

  • For July to September keep your group training and add 1 personal training session a week and meal prep 20 meals a week.

  • Finally for October to December keep your workout routine and do a big outdoor activity every month like disc golf, hiking, biking. Have a plan of attack when going to holiday parties.

Do you think you would lose 20# during the year following the above? Do you think you would be a different person after that year? Would you have improved your health and wellness for the long term?

Start building the processes to be the person you want to be.


PS. Did you find this helpful? Do you know someone that this might help? Share it with them. Don’t just share it. Tell them why. Tell they how working out, eating better, and being around a fun and positive community has helped you.


January Member Spotlight: Dave Mitchell


The One Person That Can Change Your Life