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How To Level Up Your Book Reading - TEP 052

Books are meant to be read and used.
Have a conversion with the book and with yourself.

The Learning Pyramid
We retain...
5% from lectures
10% from reading
20% from audio-visuals
30% from demonstrations
50% from discussions
75% from doing and practice
90% from teaching

A used and worn book is a sign of love and a relationship. It shows you learned, enjoyed something

One level when reading is the story, the lore, the details. This way of reading it great and interesting. It is facts and trivia.

Example the book and movie Starship Troopers. Fun sci-fi trip with a backdrop of fascism.

What are the takeaways from the book? What did you learn? What did you learn about yourself? What did you like about the characters? What values did they have? What can you learn from the issues that came up? Do you agree or disagree. Was an action moral or immoral.

Example The Way of Kings. Kaladin and leadership. Shallan and mentoring and philosophy.

Coach Berek