Equity July Spotlight Member - Gary Simpers

1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
It was about seven years ago as times flies and I was just coming off my first marathon. I had a terrible experience and asked Denise to help find me something else to keep me active because I was done running forever. We had noticed the physical transformation her cousin Crystal had after joining a Box in South Carolina and decided to see if there were any local gyms in the area. Fortunately, Denise found Equity close to home and we came in for the couple of free classes to give it a try.

2. How long have you been a member at Equity?
I have been a member for just over six years this past May.

3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?
Do it! Check your ego at the door and be willing to listen to the coaches and other members. The environment is very inclusive and truly has been one of the best decisions I have made both physically and mentally. I am a healthier, happier more capable person after joining Equity.

4. What was your first impression?  How has that changed?
My first impression was wondering what I had got myself into. I had never lifted a barbell before in my life and having all these capable members working out in classes was very intimidating. I remember being the newbie asking what all the acronyms meant at the beginning of class and what we had to do for each workout. I wasn’t very confident to say the least. I’m sure I drove the coaches crazy (6-year update, probably still do). After six years of membership, I was able to get over the anxiety of being the new person and really look forward to every opportunity I get to go to the gym. It really is the best hour of my day. Being able to see new and existing members achieve their goals inspire me to do better and be better for myself and my family.

5. What do you do for a living and how has CF impacted that?
Currently I am manufacturing supervisor working for Northrup Grumman which used to be OrbitalATK, which used to be ATK, which used to be something else located outside the gate when leaving Equity. There can be times in which my position can be become very sedentary and CrossFit gives me a great work/life balance that allows me to be active after work to keep me in shape.

6. How has CF improved your life?
The biggest way CrossFit has improved my life is by making me more capable. I’m more capable with my family. I now say “yes” when the kids ask me to go on a One Wheel ride or pass the soccer ball. I say “yes” to Denise if she wants to take Lincoln for a walk around the neighborhood. I’m more capable when working around the house and in the yard. I’m more capable when driving the race car. Being hot, tired, and strapped into a race car is not a big deal because of the workouts we do. Being able to be present and active with the people I love has been huge for me!

7. Favorite gym story or memory?
Gosh there have been so many good times over the last six years. The camping trips to Raystown Lake and the ski trip to Windham Mountain in New York were some of the best times. The two years we did the Tough Mudder as a gym team was a blast. Working through those obstacles together as a team is a memory I won’t soon forget. Not to mention the Summer and Holiday parties. Equity has been so much more than a gym. I am incredibly grateful!.

8. What are you most proud of that you have accomplished since starting CF?
My biggest accomplishment since starting CrossFit has been me coming out of my shell and being a more confident person. I used to be the shy person not comfortable talking to people or willing to try new things. Putting myself out there has allowed me to meet so many amazing people and created new friendships as a result, I couldn’t be happier.

PIZZA!! Love me some good pizza.
Color: I used to really like red, now I find myself liking the color black more.
Movie: For years my go to movie was the original Ghost Busters, but you can’t go wrong with any good comedy.
Holiday: Christmas.
TV Show: The Curse of Oak Island, American Ninja Warrior, and back in the day How I Met Your Mother.
CF Movement: It must be squat snatches (said no one ever). Most likely gymnastics. Really like bar muscle ups and toes to bar.


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