February Spotlight Member - Jennifer Howell

  1. How did you get started on your Crossfit journey?

    I was stuck in a hopeless routine of stationary biking while I read a book and lifted weights with no variation.  It had been 5yrs, since my last baby was born and time for a change.  In January of 2013, I was in Florida with a friend who just started Crossfit and told him I had been looking for a local gym, but was unable to find one.  One google search later and he found Crossfit Equity for me.  My journey at Equity began, the next month, in February of 2013.

  2. How long have you been a member at Equity?

  3. Best advice for someone thinking of doing it.

    Just do it.  I promise anyone I talk to about joining a few things: It will be challenging, but you will see a difference in your body composition within 2 months.  You will ALWAYS have strengths and weaknesses, don’t compare yourself to anyone, but you. You will accomplish all sorts of athletic feats and develop skills that you never dreamed possible on day one.  

  4. What was your first impression, how has it changed?
    I loved Equity from day one.  I enjoyed competing and working out with the strong 20 something’s and pushing my 40 (now 50) something body to its limits in the little gym.  I’ve watched the coaches grow with their members and learn about the individuality of cues and programming, while expanding to a huge gym with so many new, fun, torturous toys.  I’m most proud of the growth of our group of Legends, we’ve found our Fountain of Youth and comradery in Equity.

  5. What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit impacted that?
    I am a veterinarian and the strength I have developed has helped me immensely at work.  I can lift large patients, safely and, generally, with ease.  The heaviest awkward dog I have Cross-fitted on to an exam table was 105#, while his dad just stared in disbelief.

  6. What are you most proud of that you accomplished at the gym?
    I am most proud of teaching my kids the benefits of CrossFit and watching them flourish athletically in the gym.  When we first joined, they were 5, 6, and 9 yrs old playing on the rings and helping to carry equipment.  Kira and Bode are now teenagers in the adult classes with impressive form and abilities.

  7. How will the gym improve your future? 
    The gym helps keep me young and confident  in mind, body, and spirit.

  8. Favorite/funniest gym memory
    I think I qualify for a comedy of quirks and errors daily.  I almost never match, wear my clothes inside out and backwards, won’t take off my comfy boots unless I have too, talk too much to my neighbor, and you can count on me to be doing the wrong movement or more/less reps, for the majority of WOD’s.  However, my funniest memory was when Jason Bryan trusted me to lead a group of new members at the old gym, on a “Run” through the industrial complex, needless to say, he had to send out a search party.


Color - yellow

Food- grilled cheese and oysters

TV show- forensic files

Movie - A Few Good Men

Holiday - Christmas

Movement - HSPU


The Secret to Getting Better - The Equity Podcast 038


The Phrase Killing Your Progress - The Equity Podcast 037