The Phrase Killing Your Progress - The Equity Podcast 037

This is the phase that we hear the most when people are making progress then start to flat line

I had a weird week.

It is than followed up with

Once I get back to normal I will be good.

We have worked with a lot of people with a focus on personal training, nutrition coaching, and group training.

With all three of these services there are two ideas we like to reinforce 1) focus on what is within your control and let go of what is not in your control, 2) blaming, complaining, and excuses are not conducive to improving and getting better.

The phrase above is something we hear frequently.

It is easy to do the right thing when things are “normal”. Improving, getting better, reaching our goals is NOT easy and we are lucky it is not easy. Because it is hard it makes it worth it, if it was easy than we would not want it in the first place. Luckily you are the type of person that does hard things.

The weekend can kill all the progress we make during the week, that off month, that holiday season can crush all the gains made in the year.

So what can we do about it.

  • Have a plan. When a “weird” things comes up have a plan ready to go. For example, you have a birthday party that you forgot about. My plan for birthday parties is 2 drinks, 1 plate of food, and 1 piece of cake. No grazing, no second, set a bright line and don’t cross it.

  • Have a reminder. If weekends are an issue set a reminder on your phone for every Friday and Saturday night to remember your goals. Wear a band around your wrist as a constant reminder.

  • Identify the type of person you want to be. Then be that person. Would that type of person do the thing I am about to do?

  • Accountability. Try nutrition coaching, try personal training, group training, an accountability partner, Hybrid coaching.

What are the things you are struggling with? Let me know.

Do you have any questions or ideas I should talk about? Shoot me a message.

Thank you.


PS. Are you looking to refine some gymnastic skills or work on your barbell movements? I have 2-1 coaching available if you are interested? Don’t have a buddy, that is okay we can find one..


February Spotlight Member - Jennifer Howell


Fountains vs. Drains