Equity Fitness

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Competition Day Nutrition - Equity Podcast 043

During The Competition

First we want to focus on hydration. We don’t want to over do it and have a sloshy stomach or under hydrate and under perform. Bring plenty of water. Doing 3-4 workouts in a day hydrating with more than water is ideal, adding something like FitAid, O2, or LMNT would help replace electrolytes.

You probably won’t be as hungry as you think you would be from doing multiple workouts. We still want to fuel our bodies to perform well. When deciding what to eat we want to focus on

  1. Food that is easily digestible. We don’t want to be gassy or uncomfortable when working out.. It food that you eat frequently and you know it will have a minimal affect on you. Limiting fats is also a good idea so you can use the protein and carbs quickly.

  2. Food that is easily consumable. You should not need a knife and fork. It should be prepped to be bite size or drinkable.

  3. Food that is easy to travel with. If you need a microwave, probably not the best to bring.

My go to foods are shakes (protein and carbs), bite size chicken, and bite size sweet potatoes. Sometimes I might bring a bar like an Rx bar.

Eat when you fill like you need to and do it slowly and in small portions.

Before and After the Competition

The night before the competition a slightly bigger dinner is a good idea. As mentioned earlier you actually want eat that much on competition day so getting some extra in is a good idea.

The morning of the competition getting in breakfast is a good idea. We want this at least 90 minutes before your first workout, I prefer getting it in as soon as possible. We want all three macros and slow releasing protein and carbs are ideal. I really like cold oatmeal with casein, find what works for you.

Now post competition we are in a calorie deficit and low on fat so lets fix that. :) I really enjoy going out to eat with my teammates after a competition and getting a burger with fries. Just make sure it is a bit of a bigger meal.

What are your go to meals before, during, and after competition? Let me know.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to check this out.
