April Spotlight Member - Samantha Seider

1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
I started CrossFit because I was looking for a new way to exercise. I have always been a pretty active person, but found that I always worked out on my own. I was specifically looking for adult gymnastics classes. I was a gymnast when I was younger and wanted to experience some of my favorite things about gymnastics again. However, adult classes are not offered anywhere I could find. I stumbled upon CrossFit on TV because I love watching athletic competitions. I became super interested in watching The Games and through some sharing with a friend (Ed O'Hara), he recommended that I join his CrossFit gym. I laughed and said "absolutely not." I eventually humored him and met with Berek and watched a bit of a 9:30 class. My "absolutely not" turned into a reluctant "okay."

2. How many years have you been a member at Equity?
I have been a member of Equity for a year and half.

3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity.
The best advice I would give someone thinking of joining Equity is to unapologetically join in. There is no invitation needed. One of the best things I did shortly after starting group classes was attend "Open Gym." I had no idea what I was doing but wanted to learn new things. I very reluctantly reached out to Kelli Roy to ask if I could ambush her Sunday work out. She, along with Mandi Myers, welcomed me into their Sunday workouts and very quickly became good friends. I learned that there is no need to feel insecure or unwelcomed. Just join in! I have also come to realize that most everyone at Equity is like-minded. We are all there to just work out, be healthy, and help one another.

4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?
My first impression was that I needed pre-CrossFit classes before I could actually join CrossFit. My first class was on the barbell and I had no idea what I was doing. I was definitely feeling intimidated. How has that changed? I don't feel intimidated anymore. Now, I am able to just laugh at myself and enjoy the process. CrossFit is HARD. But, it's hard for everyone. I learned to remind myself why I am here; to be fit and healthy. Everything else (like learning a new skill) is just a bonus!

5. How has the gym improved your life? How will the gym improve your life in the future?
The past two years have been an exceptionally difficult time in my life. I have been battling some health issues that not only have made my day-to-day difficult, but have also taken away my ability to do the one thing I love the most, singing. I have been a full-time singer and musician for most of my adult life and without that has greatly affected me. If I had not found Equity, there is a very real possibility that I would be on a much less productive path than I am currently on. I would not likely be as motivated or inspired to keep my body healthy. It is much more difficult to pity yourself or say you can't when you surround yourself with other people who are equally working through the hardships of life but show up everyday. The benefits of having friends who care about your health and fitness, who check in on you, and keep you in a positive mindset is priceless. These are the types of people that I want to continue to surround myself with in the future.

6. What do you do for a living and how has CF impacted that?
I am a full time musician. I perform live in clubs, casinos, bars, restaurants, weddings, etc. I travel around a bit and tax my body with late nights and lugging equipment. The biggest benefit of CrossFit is helping me feel good in my skin. I perform in front of people nightly and having a body I feel confident in is essential to what I do. Equally as beneficial is helping my 50 pound speaker and various other equipment feel a lot less troublesome to carry. I am not often opposed to the kind gentlemen at my shows offering to carry my equipment for me, but 95% of the time I load my equipment in and out like a boss. Hehe.

7. Favorite gym story or memory or favorite thing about the gym?
My favorite memory to date is seeing everyone come together to celebrate Paul Palmer qualifying for the Legends Championship. Helping design a shirt, organize a surprise, and seeing everyone so supportive was really fun and exciting. Everyone at the gym is awesome and it's so fun and rewarding to be a part of it all.


Food: Chicken Piccata

Color: Black

Movie: Apollo 13

TV Show: Gilmore Girls

Holiday: 4th of July

CrossFit Movement: Double Unders or anything Handstands


The Tale of Two Marathons by Gary Simpers


Competition Day Nutrition - Equity Podcast 043