November Member Spotlight

Dave Jenkins

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey? 
    My CrossFit journey began in October 2011 at Hardbat CrossFit, where I was the first member to join the box.

  2. When did you start CrossFit at Equity? 

  3. What was your first impression of CrossFit? 
    My first impression of CrossFit was that it was exactly what I was looking for - I was hooked immediately.  I had spent many years doing traditional bodybuilding style workouts and was looking for a workout approach to stimulate my interest and improve my overall fitness.  The CrossFit methodology turned out to be exactly what I was looking for and that mindset has not changed nine years later.  I still feel consistently challenged by the workouts and I am still finding that significant aspects of my fitness are continuing to improve despite being a masters athlete in my 50s.  In addition to the effectiveness of the CrossFit methodology and the top-notch coaching provided at Equity, the sense of community and family instilled by Berek, Krista and the other coaches and members is what really defines the experience at Equity.  I can’t overstate how impressed I am by the welcoming and congenial environment that has been created at Equity.

  4. What advice would you give to someone considering checking out CrossFit at Equity? 
    My advice to anyone considering joining Equity is simply to do it.  Join and work with the coaches in developing a plan for achieving your fitness goals and you will not be disappointed.  The coaches at Equity are top-notch and will help you improve regardless of your prior workout experience or current fitness level.  You will also surely make great friends with like-minded individuals that will share in your fitness journey.

  5. How would you say CrossFit has impacted your life? 
    My experience with Equity has improved my life in several ways:  First, it has given me a renewed interest in working out that has sustained the test of time.  Second, I have made several great friends that have become a significant part of my life both inside and outside the gym.  Finally, my experience at Equity has been instrumental in pursuing an overall healthy lifestyle that can sometimes be difficult to achieve on your own.  The shared support and resources of the gym have definitely made this process easier.

Dave’s Favorites:

            Food – I generally eat a relatively clean diet but love a really good burger as a cheat meal

            Color – blue

            Movie – Too hard to pick just one but some of my favorites would be Gladiator, The Shawshank Redemption and for a good laugh, Wedding Crashers.

            Holiday – Christmas

            CrossFit Movements – I like many of the movements but if I had to choose a few they would be Double-unders, deadlifts and I have a love/hate relationship with snatches and cleans.

Thanks Dave for being a part of the Equity family!  #investinyourself

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