Equity Fitness

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"I Can't" vs "How Can I"

We hear these words all the time "I can't ... workout, eat healthy, afford that" and the list goes on. The issue with this mindset is that it completely stops you from thinking and figuring out a plan and solution to obtain a goal.

Instead of "I can't" think "how can I". This will force you to do two things. First, is this goal something that is truly important to you. Do you value and want this enough to spend the time and effort to do it. Having this conversation with yourself will let you determine what is important to you. The second is to think and be creative; create a plan to achieve the goal or task. Wanting a strict pull-up is completely different then working with a coach to build an actually plan and execute that plan to get one. You CAN get that pull-up but we have to work for it.

You ready to give Equity a try? Book a 'No Sweat Intro'.

Have a question or comment about the "how can I" mindset? I would love to hear about it, let me know.
