Equity Fitness

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The 1 Thing that Always Warms My Heart At the Gym

Starting at a new gym is really hard especially by yourself. You don’t know anyone, everyone is talking to each other, and your still learning where everything is. I have been there, I remember the first time I walked into a CrossFit Gym and I had all those same feelings. So when a new member starts our staff do their best to make sure to say hello, ask them how their day is going, if things in the gym are going well, and generally make them feel welcome. It is part of being a coach to make others feel welcome.

It is not the duty of other members to go out of their way to introduce and talk to new members but when I see it, it warms my heart. Going out of your way to help make someone feel more welcome is true kindness and helps build stronger relationships and communities.

We have one member that constantly does this and as I said above it warms my heart every time. Dave Mitchell always goes out of his way to introduce himself and talk to new members.

THANK YOU to Dave and all our members that go out of their way to make sure that everyone feels welcome and is having fun.

What are the things that bring you joy or warms your heart about the gym? I would love to hear from you, let me know => berek.bryan@equity.fitness

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