Why Group Classes and Leading By Example

We do it because we believe in it 😎😎😎

Equity was built to help people improve their health, fitness, and quality of life and our first members were ourselves. We started with what we enjoyed doing and we did the things that helped us move the needle in our lives. 

Whenever I am talking to a potential new member I tell them "Krista and I are the owners and we take our classes because we truly believe in them. We believe that taking group classes will build long term improvements in health, fitness, and quality of life. 

The group classes provides 3 things that really helped us when we started and today (9 years later).

  1. People. Having like minded people to talk to, get advice from, laugh with, sweat with, and spend time with is really rewarding. Being in a tribe keeps you accountable and pushes you just outside your comfort zone; that is where the magic happens.

  2. Coaching. You don't know what you don't know. Having a coach who wants to help will move that needle faster then going it alone. A coach will be able to see things you are not feeling or seeing. 
    Group classes are more than just a workout on a whiteboard. Taking your time to warm-up, taking your time to focus on improving your movement with cues from a coach, then attacking the workout with a specific goal in mind, that is what Equity group classes are all about.

  3. Mindset. This is broad. Classes are a helpful stress reliever. Talking to friends is relaxing and fun. Not worrying about exactly what workout you are going to do. Come in have fun, work hard. You don't have to worry about re-creating the wheel everyday with a workout. We have you covered. :)

Ready to invest in yourself and take the next step on your health and fitness journey? Book a 'No Sweat Intro'.

Do you have a question or comment about group classes and leading by example? I would love to hear about it, let me know.



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