The Power of Habit - Cole's Drive "Home" 🚙🚙🚙

The Power of Good Habits

A few years ago before Cole was coaching at the gym she was one of the Physical Education teachers at North East Middle School. She had been coming to the gym everyday after work for over a year by that time. She had built the habit of always going directly to the gym. 

On this particular day I was at the gym doing something and Cole comes strolling in with a smile on her face. 
Berek: Hey Cole, you look happy today?
Cole: Well the plan was to go home but I started driving and before I realized it, I was in the industrial park on my way here.
Berek: I do that all the time!
Cole: I was planning on taking a rest day today and just chill tonight...Now that I am here I might as well workout.
[insert epic high-five in the vein of Carl Weathers and Arnold Schwarzenegger from Predator]

Instead of spending the energy to decide to go to the gym or not every single day, Cole had built a positive habit that takes the decision of going to the gym or not everyday out of the picture. She did not require any will power to go workout. She always does it, it is not a question she just does it. Building that was hard but once it was there it is hard to remove.

The moral of the story is that habits matter and if you take the time and effort in cultivating GREAT habits they will help get you to your goals.

Ready to invest in yourself and take the next step on your health and fitness journey? Book a 'No Sweat Intro'.

Have a question or comment about the power of good habits? Do you need help building them?  I would love to hear about it, let me know.



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