I can't workout, ...

There is always are reason to stay on the path of least resistance. I am not fit enough, my knee hurts, I have an old softball injury, or i don't have the time are all reasons we come up with to rationalize not taking care of ourselves.

Spending time working out is how we start solving these issues. Being in better physical condition will help prevent injuries and help correct existing issues. Exercise is also great stress relief. Had a hard day at work let out some steam at the gym and be around people that want to see you succeed.

No matter the physical activity there is a risk of injury walking, gardening, bodybuilding, football, ping pong, etc. Our goal at the gym is to keep you healthy and build your fitness. As you know fitness is a hedge against sickness. We want you to stay safe and injury free.

With all the precautions in the world injuries still happen and most people come into the gym with limitations from the start. No matter the issue we still need to live our life, pick our kids up off the ground, cut the grass, put the dishes away, and put salt in the water softener.

All movements and workouts can be modified for any fitness level, limitation, or injury. Modifying is how we progress. For example if you want to run a 5k you don't just go run a 5k. You start with a short distance at a lower intensity then you build up the distance and speed. In the gym we don't just throw you into high intensity movements we build up to it over time. This is one of the many reasons we have coaches for our classes. The coach is there to help and guide you through the workout with or without a limitation. 

Check out our blog post about why our coaches are here to help.


Check out our blog post about why our coaches are here to help.

Do you have concerns, injuries, limitations, or other issues and want to see if we can help? Shoot us an email.

Interested in giving Equity a try? Check out how to get started.



Our New Youth Coach - Allie Dant


Learn From Your Dog - Building Good Habits And Removing Bad Ones