Learn From Your Dog - Building Good Habits And Removing Bad Ones

Building Good Habits and Removing Bad Ones

The building of positive habits are rocket fuel for reaching and obtaining your goals. When you reduce the amount of effort it takes to do something it makes that thing easier to do. Brushing your teeth before you go to bed is automatic, driving to work is automatic, going to the gym Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday all of these things are easier when you consistently do them.

It is not just about adding new habits but identifying and removing habits that are holding you back. Habits are developed with a cue then a cycle of reinforcement. Pavlov’s dogs would start salivating to the sound of a bell. The cue was the bell and the reinforcement was the food. The salivation was an involuntary response which they could not control. Only by reinforcing the bell with no food did the salivating stop.

To remove bad habits we need to identify and be aware of the habit and the cue. Then with time we can start to correct the habit.

In short feed the good habits and starve the bad ones.

If you are interested in learning more about habits check out The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.


How have habits affected your life in a positive way? Let us know.

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