Why Equity Youth Team Training - Part III: Stronger, Faster, Fitter

The primary reason teams start with us is to get an edge physically. They want to be stronger, faster, and fitter and we know how to get them there.

Mechanics, Consistency, then Intensity
The first step to developing physical skills is to make sure we are moving with GOOD MECHANICS. Then we want to see those mechanics consistently. Mechanics that are consistent throughout a workout and 100 workouts will make sure we are staying safe and efficient. Finally once we see consistent mechanics then we can bring in the final piece, intensity. Intensity is where results are found. 

10 General Physical Skills
When we are building programs for athletes we want to build balanced athletes. Using the 10 General Physical Skills is a great way to do that. 

  • Organic Skills (Must be trained)

    • Strength

    • Flexibility

    • Cardiovascular Endurance

    • Stamina

  • Neurological (Must be practiced)

    • Agility

    • Accuracy

    • Balance

    • Coordination

  • Both (Need to both train and practice)

    • Power

    • Speed

Compound Lifts
Muscles are not used in isolation. When you are moving your body in space you are never using one muscle. There are always multiple muscles and muscle groups moving.

To move safely and efficiently, joints use multiple muscle groups. A great example is your knee. In order to move your knee you need to use both the back of your leg (hamstrings) and the front of your leg (quads). 

You need to use your entire system to do things. When kicking a ball we use our entire body: planting leg, kicking leg, mid-line, arms for stabilization. 

Team sessions are not random. They are structured at both the macro and micro level.

  • Macro Level (Throughout all sessions)

    • Different focus points for the particular sport throughout the cycle.

    • Strength Progressions. These will build in complexity and loading as mechanics improve. (Squats, deadlift, presses, etc)

    • Skill Work. Plyometric progressions, agility work, etc

    • Conditioning

  • Micro Level (Each session)

    • Warm-up

    • Strength

    • Skill

    • Conditioning

    • Mindset story-time

    • Cool-down

Every session will have homework to help re-enforce the movement patterns and skills.

Why Us?
1. We care.We do this because we love helping people and seeing them improve and gain confidence. There is nothing better than seeing an athlete reach a goal. Giving athletes the confidence to do what they never thought they would be able to do.

Because of this we are not just running through the motions and getting the athletes to do some pointless drill. They will be coached, corrected, and pushed to be better.

Everything worthwhile is uphill.

2. We lead by example.We practice what we preach. Most coaches don't actively do the things they coach. All of our coaches workout at Equity 5-7 days a week and coach 2-6 days a week.This is what we do and we love doing it.

You ready to give Equity a try? Book a 'No Sweat Intro'.

Have a question or comment about the topic above? I would love to hear about it, let me know.



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