Holiday "Presence" Challenge

The Holidays are great! But sometimes there’s so much going on that we can feel like we are being dragged through them by a runaway train, attempting to hold on to our health through both the fun and stress.

Nutritionally speaking- in order to burn off 500 calories, you’d have to row anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour depending on your height, weight, age, etc. While adding in extra workouts or cardio to try and maintain a healthy weight or even lose weight through the holidays can help keep us on track, it can also be a difficult way to “offset” all that partying. It also takes up a lot of time, considering it only takes 15-20 minutes or less to consume 500 calories.

What if there was something we could add in, that will both help keep us mentally sane through the holidays AND also help us stay “present” enough to make intentional and conscious choices about what we put in our body, and what type of boundaries we want to put on our time, so that we can stay healthy all the way through New Year.

Enter the Holiday “Presence” Challenge. This holiday season, in addition to our Maintain/Meters Challenge, we will be doing a free seminar on how to meditate and will challenge you to use this practice for 5 minutes a day from November 23rd to January 11th. Hate meditating? You will still learn a great method of journaling to get a similar effect, or you can choose to do both!

You will learn exactly how to meditate, as well as the changes that take place in your brain and body during and after meditation. You’ll learn how to activate your “rest and digest” system, using diaphragmatic breathing; and how to get out of the holiday “fight or flight” state that causes many of us to feel stressed, drained and run down and also leads to that “f*&k it” mentality that causes us to lose the reigns on our nutrition and health.

Additionally, meditating and/or journaling will increase your awareness of your habits, tendencies and your goals. This will increase your ability to make intentional choices about what you put in your body and how you take care of yourself through the holidays - that are directly in line with your goals.

The seminar with be at 9am on Saturday 11/23 before the team workout and will be run by Precision Nutrition 1 Certified Nutrition Coach and gym member, Megan Mullins. Megan is also a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and uses meditation practice, diaphragmatic breathing and other journaling practices herself and with her clients. Megan has been meditating almost daily for 8 years. She spent 4 years practicing Buddhism with a Sangha in the Plum Village tradition, founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hahn, and spent 4 days on retreat at the Zen Mountain Buddhist Monastery, in New York, where her meditation practice was enhanced by instruction from traditional Zen Buddhist Monks. You do not have to be religious or spiritual to use meditation effectively.

If you would like to attend the seminar, please respond on our facebook event page

Have a question or comment about the topic above? Let me know.

Hope to see you at the seminar.



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