September Member Spotlight: Kelly Lewis

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?  

Honestly, my husband and I like to do things together. So, we tried out a boot camp class next to the old gym. Christian said, “lets check out CrossFit, it looks like fun”. So, we took a look, thought it was cool. However, it took us a bit of time (maybe a month or so) to decide to join. Christian contacted Berek and he informed us the gym was moved to a bigger place. Gave us directions and we stopped in. Took a few free classes and we LOVED it!! Now, we are here and still loving CrossFit!! 

    2. How many years have you been a member at Equity? 

I have been a member of Equity for 8 years now. Time flies when your having fun!! 

   3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity? 

Well, I believe Equity is not just a gym to workout in.. It’s a family! Everyone in this gym are truly awesome people. The coaches are the best! No one in this gym judge's you (unless your in a competition, haha). You always feel welcomed. A lot of people may think gyms are too “macho” meaning people are always flexing in mirrors, taking selfies, stuff like that, but Equity is not like that. There are no mirrors, which I like. There are people who care and want to support you. You get to know one another and become friends and family. The coaches get to know who you are and what your goals in life are. What your strengths and weaknesses are. They work with you and help you weather you need to modify your workout or build up your workout. I can tell you this, I was in an accident, which threw me off my workout. I think it was about 6 months of me unable to get to the gym. I have put on some weight sitting around stress eating. I remember getting on the scale and cried. I decided to make myself get back to the gym. I had to modify just about everything. Sometimes had to quit during the work out because of my headaches spiking. But, what kept me going was the members of Equity. I would have people come to me and encourage me to keep going. One step at a time. I’m so glad to be part of this family!! The coaches are very supportive, knowledgeable with working with your injuries. So, don’t be afraid. Try out Equity! I’m sure you are going to LOVE it!! Ask your friends who go, to take you for a bring a friend day. Trust me.. I’m so glad I joined. I’m so glad my husband wanted to check it out. 

   4. What was your first impression and how has that changed? 

My first impression was, “DANG, those people are FIT”! Haha..  Berek and Krista (Coaches/Owners), we met at the old gym. We thought they were pretty cool. We decided to join the gym about a month later. I remember thinking, “I want to be fit like those people”. I know I have a ways to go. I used to be intimidated by the “fit people” at first. Then realized how great they all are. I have a goal. My goal is to keep working out and get stronger. That is what changed me. 

5. How has the gym improved your life? How will the gym improve your life in the future? 

The gym improved my life by getting stronger. I know I am much stronger than I was before CrossFit. I have issues with my back. I have some bulging discs in my lower back. Before CrossFit I had decided to go to a chiropractor for help on my back. I couldn’t get out of bed at times. I would fall down out of nowhere and get stuck on the floor because of my discs in my back. I started working out. My chiropractor told me to stick with CrossFit. CrossFit is helping me strengthen my back and core. I have not had an issue with my lower back in a long time. Equity has helped me so much. I know if I continue my journey at CrossFit, it will help me stay out of the chiropractors office. Just get stronger!! 

   6. What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit impacted that? 

Well, I’m a full time mom of seven kids  😊. I’m always on the go driving them back and forth to school, practice, CrossFit and general stores to buy what they need. I also own and manage three different businesses with my husband. I enjoy being with my family and also enjoy meeting other people and helping them out on house projects. Weather I am running around and dropping off materials, riding with my husband doing estimates and working in the office. CrossFit taught me to lift things up right! Bend at the knees, don’t hurt your back. Keep a good form while lifting anything. I still to this day listen. I am always picking things up at work, home (kids, laundry baskets, groceries, etc.) anywhere and everywhere. 

7. What is your proudest moment at the gym and /or favorite moment? 

I have a few things I am proud of.  

1. At the gym, I am so excited and proud of myself for getting strict pull-ups, Toes to bar, and climbing the rope ALL THE WAY!!! I get super excited getting Gold Stars!! Tells me I just improved my workout!!  

2. I am also proud of myself for continuing my CrossFit workouts during two of my pregnancies'. I wish I knew working out while pregnant was a good thing, I would have done this with my first pregnancy. I have had seven kids all natural and no drugs. I have noticed I bounced back quicker working out then not. I worked out all the way up to my due dates.  

My favorite food would be sushi. Yes, I love it!! Haha. 

My favorite color is Blue 

My favorite movie.. That is tough.. I like musicals.. The sound of Music, The Music Man. I also like To Kill a Mockingbird. The new Top Gun movie is Great!  

My favorite t.v. show..  I think it would be Resident Alien. 

My favorite holiday would be Christmas!! Love watching the kids' excitement.  

My favorite CrossFit movements would be clean and jerk, snatches and the rower.


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