June Spotlight Member - Jackie Moke Elliott

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
    I had always been interested in CrossFit, but I had already been working out at a gym that I enjoyed and was comfortable with, and the thought of trying something new was entirely too terrifying. When I moved to Maryland in September 2020, it forced me to find a new local gym, and I figured that there was no better time to force the issue of finally trying it out. Best decision I ever made!!

  2. How long have you been a member at Equity?
    I have been a member since October 2020. Cannot believe I’ll be coming up on 2 years soon!

  3. What is your advice for someone new thinking of joining Equity?
    You can do hard things! Also, contrary to what some people think, CrossFit is so inclusive, and anyone can do it!

  4. What was your first impression? How has that changed?
    My first impression was that everything seemed so difficult, and I was not sure I would ever get better at certain movements/machines/etc. Everything is still so difficult, that certainly didn’t change, but I have definitely have gotten better at those certain movements/machines/etc!

  5. How has the gym improved your life?
    It has shown me that I am stronger than I think, both physically and mentally. It has also made others around me become more interested in exercise and health, which is a giant win! My hope is always that the gym will impact others’ lives, the way that it has mine.

  6. What do you do for a living and how does CrossFit impact that?
    I work for an insurance company, and sit at a desk for a majority of the day. CrossFit allows me the movement that I very much need to break up that sedentary lifestyle. It has also shown me that mobility is very important and should be done often

  7. Favorite gym story or memory?
    My first CrossFit competition just a month ago at the Riverfront Rivalry! It was so much fun competing alongside so many members of my gym, and getting to see everyone work so hard. It was a great experience, and I can’t wait to do it again soon

  8. What are you most proud of that you have accomplished since starting CrossFit?
    I am proud of no longer being stubborn, and finally addressing my shoulder issue. I injured my shoulder 17 years ago, and the injury has re-presented itself multiple times over those 17 years, even after physical therapy, etc. I became tired of being in pain after certain movements, and having to avoid movements as a result, which ultimately led to a very weak upper body. I brought my concerns to Berek, and we have been working on accessory work for my shoulder since this past December. So far it has been extremely successful, and it feels so amazing to finally be able to do movements with no pain, during or after!


Food: Anything buffalo chicken

TV Show: I watch most of the same shows on repeat, unless a new season of one of said shows come out. Then I start it back over again. No true favorite!

Movie: Man on Fire

Color: Blue (my jeep is a dead giveaway)

Holiday: Christmas

Crossfit Movement: Power Cleans! (Yes, I love deadlifts but I consider Power Cleans more of a “CrossFit Movement”)


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