Equity Fitness

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June Member Spotlight: Heidi Ginn

  1. How did you get started in your CrossFit journey? 
    I got started by accident! I decided to give it a try as something new with a coworker. She attended two CrossFit sessions and then never came back. I saw the value as an addition to my regular workout routine and have been attending ever since!

  2. How many years have you been a member at Equity?
    I used to tell people three years, but I think it is coming up on 5 years in September!

  3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?
    Just do it! You won't have any regrets! 

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?  
    I feel the same now as I did back when I started as far as impressions go! I was hooked from Day 1. Equity has great coaches! These coaches are willing to go the extra mile to straddle that fine line of encouraging you to push yourself and backing off when things might be too challenging for your individual level. They know each individual member. They know their strengths, their weaknesses, their injuries, their psychological barriers, and their goals. 

  5. What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit impacted that?  
    I am a Speech Language Pathologist. I am not sure how CrossFit has helped me with my job directly, but indirectly working out at Equity has decreased my overall stress level.

  6. How has the gym improved your life?  
    Wow! Equity has improved my life in “all the ways”! I have met some interesting, intelligent, funny and hard working people. I  have also made some fantastic friends. These friends have encouraged me to keep coming back and it has been fun to work out with them! I have also made a lot of progress with my mental strength and physical strength over the past few years from coming to Equity. Every day is a challenge (both inside and outside of the gym)! I am more willing to take risks (both mentally and physically) inside the gym. I never would have taken these risks a few years ago. I have been able to increase the amount of weight I can lift which has translated to a higher level of functional fitness at home and in the community. I have found real joy in learning new things every day such as: I can actually work harder than I think I can and  a move might get easier with one suggestion from a coach.
    I have found happiness in celebrating even the smallest of successes, and I actually enjoy hard work/challenges (for the most part!), and am so interested to learn new skills every time I come to the gym. I LOVE when Berek says “Let’s get better today.” That phrase resonates with me because I know that I am never going to be a top flight athlete, but I know that if I work hard, I will always be able to “get better”. I am finding that age is just a number. Yes, there are some things that I cannot do because some body parts are worn out, but there are so many things that I CAN do! 


Food: Seafood
Movie: Napoleon Dynamite!
TV Show: Schitt's Creek
Holiday: Christmas
CrossFit Movement: any core movements - sit ups, v ups, planks, etc

Thank you Heidi for being a part of the Equity Family!!  #investinyourself

— Kelli