Equity Fitness

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July Member Spotlight: James Myers

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey? 
    My CrossFit journey started with the end of my running journey.  Running was my primary form of exercise, and while I liked it, I wound up with a lot of injuries that made it impossible to do distance running anymore.  I knew I needed something else.  I saw other members getting amazing results, and was very impressed by some Facebook pictures from friends.  Mandy bought me three sessions with Jamie O'Hara (who is amazing) and I've been hooked ever since.  

  2. How many years have you been a member at Equity? 
    Two Years.  

  3.  Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity? 
    DO IT NOW!  You know that little doubt or reservation you have whispering in the back of your head?  Don't listen!!! Don't be intimidated.  Don't worry about your current fitness level.  There's room here for everyone.

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?  
    My first impression was that everyone here is super fit and I'll never be able to keep up.  It didn't take long to break that mindset and learn to focus on my own progress.  It's about getting better, not getting better than.  That mindset also helps a lot when your wife joins and instantly nails all the gymnastic movements.  

  5.  What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit impacted that?  
    I teach band and orchestra instruments to fourth and fifth graders.  CrossFit has improved my teaching abilities as much as my double unders or clean and jerk.  When I first started coming here, I had zero experience.  I had never lifted a barbell, done a pull-up, or executed a front squat.  I was a complete beginner.  Well, that's kinda what I do.  I teach complete beginners.  It had been SO long since I had been a complete beginner that I forgot how that feels.  It doesn't matter whether it's music or muscle ups, there's always a bit of insecurity, apprehension, or vulnerability when starting something new.  At CrossFit, you get coaching that makes you feel accepted for where you are, without judgement, and plans to move you where you want to be, at your own pace.  I want to make sure I'm doing that for my kids, scaling lessons like Berek scales workouts.  Making kids super comfortable the way Jamie made me feel super comfortable during those first classes.  Also, I see a lot of my former/current students at the gym and that's nice.  Although, I do have to see the Ness kids.  Man, I'm glad to be rid of them :) 

  6. How has the gym improved your life?  
    I'm an Appalachian by ethnicity and, worse, a West Virginian at that.  As a people, we have a tendency to feel like outsiders anywhere below 4,000 ft of elevation.  I've been in this area a long time, but finally found the same sense of community at the gym that I had with people back home.  There's a real sense of belonging, and that's been the best change in my life.  It's like a big family.  Except Jered.  Jered ruins everything.    

  7. Favorite gym story? 
    This would DEFINITELY be yelling, "YEET" with Michelle Ness during heavy lifts.  Everyone should do that.  It adds so much power to your lift, guaranteed PR.  My wife really enjoys it..


    Food - Chicken and Salad....

    Color - Green

    Movie - Love 80s movies.  The 'Burbs, Goonies, Predator etc.

    TV show - Game of Thrones, Mare of Eastown, LOST, Handmaid's Tale, pretty much  

    anything with Mandy, Sam and Kelli

    Holiday - Thanksgiving

    CrossFit movement - Sled Push

Thank you James.
