Joe Morris - 2024 QF Athlete

We have 19 of our members make it to the Quarterfinals of the CrossFit Games this year. These individuals are the top 25% of the field. What helps them reach this level of success? Lets find out.

Joe qualified for Individual Men.

1. How often do you train? What do you do for recovery? What does your nutrition look like?
I train 4-6 days a week. I try to make sure 2 days are primarily strength focused and 2 days are primarily cardio focused.

I have a few specific stretches or mobility drills I like to do before each session and use the hypervolt when particularly sore

I weigh and measure most meals targeting a 50/30/20 carb/protein/fat macro breakdown. I focus on whole foods but allow a lot of leeway in particular foods. There is usually 1 day per week where I don’t track at all.

2. Why do you workout? Do you like competing?
To stay fit and healthy in the long-term. CrossFit and competing provides a way to have tangible and fun short and medium term goals

3. What are your top 3 favorite workout movements?
Muscle ups, Pullups, & a heavy clean

4. What was your goal for the Open? What is your goal for QF?
Open - in the top 25%, preferably comfortably

QF - try hard

5. What is your daytime gig?
Business Process Analyst - Agilent Technologies Inc. (I make spreadsheets 😂)

6. How do you balance working out with life?
Utilize mix of home gym and Equity based my on availability

7. Do you have any other hobbies?
Family, occasionally woodworking and home improvement projects

8. What advice would you give to ....

someone just starting their workout journey?

someone wanting to reaching QF in the future?

Mechanics then Consistency then Intensity


Finding Greatness


Want More range of motion? Learn from gymnasts!