January Spotlight Member - Bob Lambeth

  1. How did you get started on your Crossfit journey? My Crossfit journey kind of got started by accident. I was no stranger to the gym and fitness but was somewhat directionless in my approach and wasn’t getting great results. A friend of mine gave me a book called Starting Strength which goes into very high detail on four main lifts (squat, deadlift, bench and press) along with some basic programming. I previously only had experience with the bench (and was doing it wrong) so I taught myself those lifts from reading and watching videos. The weight eventually got heavy enough such that I was struggling to execute the lifts with proper mechanics. At that point I knew I needed coaching if I was going to continue to progress. I searched around online for a gym where I could get the needed coaching and found Equity. Admittedly, it wasn’t exactly what I was looking for at the time but I was intrigued by the possibility of building on what I had already learned and combining that with things I was already comfortable with and learning new movements like the olympic lifts and gymnastics. I guess you could say Crossfit found me.

2. How long have you been a member at Equity? I started my on-ramp in September of 2020 and have been consistently going 4-6 days each week ever since.

3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity? The motto for Equity is “Invest in Yourself” and that really resonated with me. I am loath to spend money on anything I don’t have to. I have access to a very nice gym with nice equipment for free through work and I did that for a number of years. However, I was just going at it alone and didn’t have any coaching or a support system. At Equity, you will find outstanding coaches to help you improve your movements and reach your goals. They know when to push you and when to get you to dial it back and focus on form. The members at large are also a great bunch and are super supportive and encouraging. I genuinely look forward to going every day. The place just has a good vibe. The membership has been worth every penny and is an outlay that pays dividends every day. If you are reading this and aren’t already a member, you’ve come this far. Make that investment, you won’t regret it.

4. What was your first impression? How has that changed? Coach Berek set the tone pretty quickly when I met up with him for the No Sweat Intro. I felt like it was a pretty laid back place where no one takes themselves too seriously yet are willing to put in the hard work to get results. As I’ve gotten to know more people, that impression hasn’t changed. I can go in there and goof around a bit before class and during warm up but when the clock starts, it’s all business.

5. What do you do for a living and how has Crossfit impacted that? My education is in chemistry and I worked as a bench level scientist for a number of years. More recently, I have been working in a more administrative type of role requiring me to sit behind a computer most of the day. Crossfit has helped my body fight the ravages of being behind a screen all day and helps me to maintain good posture while seated.

6. What are you most proud of that you have accomplished at the gym? I am proud that I have been able to continuously add weight to the bar and have made progress on the things I struggle with such as double unders and cleans.

7. How will the gym improve your life in the future? I am a fairly active person and would like to remain that way for as long as possible. The gym will enable me to stay strong and healthy as I age and hopefully not get old and decrepit.


Food - smoked meats

Color - grey

TV shows - Sopranos, Succession, Handmaid’s Tale, Breaking Bad, GoT

Movies - T2, Aliens, Predator, Inception

Holiday - Christmas

Crossfit movements - back squat, deadlift, running and I think I’m the only one who likes the bike


How to Improve Your Front Rack


Rest Your Way to Better Skills - The Equity Podcast 034