How to Improve Your Front Rack

Not having the capacity to get into a proper position can be extremely frustrating, limit performance, and increase the risk of injury.

We use the front rack in so many different movements and having the ability to get into a sound front rack position translates to other positions. For example if your front rack improves your overhead positions in the press and overhead squat will also likely improve.

In the video I talk about two methods to improve your front rack.

The first one is passive ways to improve. These passive methods don’t require and addition time, they just require a focus and attention doing what you are already doing. Two examples would be 1) focus during your warm-ups and hit them with a bit more intensity. You always feel more mobile at the end of a workout than the beginning. 2) Train don’t compete. When front squatting start with as full of a grip as you can while maintaining a descent position and as you fatigue move to a less ideal position. What happens a lot for me is I start with all my fingers on the bar and by rep 7 my pinkies have popped. of.

The second is active methods and those are specific exercises and stretches to attack the problem areas that restrict your ability to get into a good position. Doing these before a workout can help you can temporary improved range of motion but hitting them consistently over time will improve your ROM over time.

Here is a list if movements mentioned in the video

  • Chin-up Negative -

  • Laying DB External Rotation -

  • Wrist and Forearm Stretch -

  • Banded Wrist Distraction -

  • Banded Standing Lat Stretch -

  • PVC External Rotation Stretch -

  • Laying PVC Lat Stretch -

  • DB Lat Pullover -

Doing this on your own is 100% doable. Working with a coach can help add accountability, another set of eyes, and a plan of attack.

Takeaways. Don’t just focus on stretching and exercises before a workout. Train for the rack you want :) and have focus and consistency with it.


PS Is your mobility good but your technique could use some a bit of help? Want too fast track your improvements? A couple personal training skill sessions can help build your skills faster than classes alone. Shoot me a text 443.206.5544


Fountains vs. Drains


January Spotlight Member - Bob Lambeth