Improve Your Storytelling, Improve Your Fitness

When we first started Equity in 2012 when a new person would come in I would introduce myself and ask them their name then immediately tell them “I am terrible with names, Krista s the one really good with them”. I did this for a long time.

Right around that time I started listening to Barbell Shrugged (a podcast about fitness, personal development, and running a fitness business). They were talking about concepts coaches and owners should be doing. One of the concepts was that coaches should be using their member’s names everyday. The next step was, which punched me in the gut, “if you tell yourself you are bad with names you are either lazy or don’t care”.

From that I started taking two actions

  1. Stop saying “I am bad at names”

  2. When I met a new member I would keep repeating their name in my head, repeat their name back to them, and write their name down somewhere (paper, whiteboard).

Fast forward a year or two later and now I frequently have people mention how “good” I am with names. It was awareness in the story I was telling myself, it was intention in want to be better, and it was taking action to improve.

What stories are you telling yourself in and out of the gym?

  • I hate wall balls, burpees, overhead squats

  • I am bad with computers and technology

  • I don’t like reading

  • The air bike is just the worst

What do you think these stories are doing to your potential? If you started being aware of these stories, if you started being intentional with the stories you tell, and you took action to do the things to be better do you think you would reach new levels?

  1. Am I full of it?

  2. Have you switched a story in your past?

  3. What story do you want to change now?

As always thank you for reading and watching.



Accelerating Progress - The Equity Podcast 040


The Secret to Getting Better - The Equity Podcast 038