Equity Fitness

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February Member Spotlight: Kimberly Myers

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey? 
    I was an athlete in high school and college, but in the years since then I let my activity level gradually decrease until it was growing more and more difficult to remember what that felt like. CrossFit had crossed my mind a couple of times before I actually signed up for a No Sweat Intro at Equity, but I’d convinced myself that I needed to get back into shape before even setting foot in a CrossFit gym. Finally, I had a conversation with an old friend who had been doing CrossFit for a while. She encouraged me to find a gym near me and just get started. I’m so glad that I did.

  2. How long have you been a member at Equity? 
    I’ve been a member since November 2018, so a little over two years now!

  3.  What is your best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity? 
    Come in to share your goals, your background, and even your worries with Berek and Krista. You’ll get to hear about the training and community philosophy at Equity, and they’ll help prepare you for your first class. You’ll soon find that the coaches will meet you where you are, and you’ll be well on your way to improving your fitness and confidence (in and out of the gym).

  4.  What was your first impression and how has that changed? 
    I immediately felt that Berek, Krista, and all of the other coaches made it a priority to help me feel welcome, comfortable, supported, and challenged. I still feel that two years on, and I love the joking and laughing that’s mixed in along the way.

  5. What is your favorite activity to do outside of the gym?  
    I really enjoy outdoor activities and just taking in beautiful scenery. I especially like hiking, camping, or wandering along a coastline. 

  6. How has the gym improved your life? 
    I walked into the gym at a time when I was going through some challenging life transitions. While I grew up in Elkton, I’d lived elsewhere for several years. When I moved back in 2018, I didn’t have local friends and activities as a support system. Equity truly helped to begin filling that void. The gym has helped me to feel stronger, more capable, and more comfortable in my body. It’s also been a place where everything else fades away for a bit and I can focus on the task at hand: moving well and lifting some heavy stuff. On top of all that, Equity has given me some wonderful new friends.


Food: Tacos or Thai

Color: Blues and greens

Movie: I really don’t have an all-time favorite movie, but Pride & Prejudice (the BBC miniseries version) is a nostalgic staple from childhood/young adulthood. My little sister and I used to watch it for hours on end, often with tea, scones, and bad British accents.

Holiday: Christmas

CrossFit movement: Squat cleans

Thank you Kim for being a member of the Equity Family!!  #investinyourself

Thank you for reading,