December Spotlight Member - Ashley Stacharowski

  1. How did you get started on your Crossfit journey?

    A few years ago I had a job that required extensive travel, between being unhappy living out of a suitcase and constantly having to eat out at restaurants, I gained unwanted weight and had to take control of it. I was never able to stick with a program or weight loss goal for more than a few months. I had been interested in trying crossfit but thought I was too out of shape to jump right in so I decided to join planet fitness for a year still working the travel job since there's a gym I could use in just about every town I went to, hit some goals along the way and mostly see if I could stick with it. The day I quit my draining travel job is the same day I joined Equity and haven't looked back.

  2. How long have you been a member at Equity?

    Hard to believe sometimes, it's been 3 years now!

  3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?

    Just give it a try regardless of your current abilities. I wish I had known about the modifications that are available and that you don't have to be a certain size or at a certain skill level to join. It is all about giving it your best and working on your own goals.

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?

    Oh I remember my first day well.... while everyone was friendly, my first thoughts included all the self doubt of "what have I gotten myself into, this is a huge mistake, I can never do that and I won't fit in." I got to the 6:30 class early to watch a few minutes of the previous class, still slightly overweight and insecure about my changing body, I saw a few members working out in booty shorts and sports bras (come to find out that is the norm for Michelle ) and I stupidly thought everyone in the entire gym must have been in that kind of shape their entire lives and not struggled to lose unwanted weight (I honestly continued to think that for a few weeks until I was partnered with Michelle one Saturday and she shared her journey).The first workout included HSPU and I thought to myself there is absolutely no way I can ever do that and I am perfectly fine with it. After I found out there were modifications for HSPU and every other movement I was more at ease to say the least. What helped the most is about 2 weeks after I joined, Kim joined and I had an instant newbie buddy! I am happy to say all of the initial self doubt has changed and once I got out of my own head and worked towards it, I am now able to do what I thought was impossible for me, HSPU!

  5. How has the gym improved your life?

    Taking back control of my weight was my first priority. I was 40 pounds heavier than I am now and didn't have any muscle mass to speak of joining planet fitness, when I joined Equity I still had some weight to lose but also needed to learn better nutrition to make my weight loss into a lifestyle change instead of trying to out work a bad diet, which Megan helped with. What I didn't realize was the gym would become part of my social life, and I'd make some really good friends along the way and find a great way to de-stress from work.

    In addition, I have not had one tendonitis flare up in my wrists since joining crossfit and gaining strength in my grip and forearms. Many years ago I was in a car accident, another driver crashed into me totaling the small SUV I had at the time. My left hand/wrist hit the window and my right hand/arm was left to try to brace my body from hitting the steering wheel on its own, taking a great deal of impact. For years after that I still would get random tendonitis flare ups in either wrist from something as simple as raking leaves, vacuuming or painting. I still may not have the best mobility in things like front squats but to not have the pain associated with the flare ups has been a welcomed surprise.

  6. What do you do for a living and how does Crossfit impact that?

    I am about to start a new job as a production scientist in a few weeks time and excited for a fresh start into the new year. However, in my current role, Crossfit allows me to pick things up without needing to track down someone to help and also help others that may need assistance. I am sure that will be the case with my new job as well.

  7. What is your favorite activity outside of the gym?

    Since changing my lifestyle I enjoy being active in any way. I enjoy things like taking my dog for hikes, biking and kayaking. I also got into doing obstacle course races for fun, which I never would have thought was possible for me nor had the guts to try had it not been for crossfit helping with my strength and cardio, even though running still isn't my favorite activity.


Healthy food: Chicken burrito bowls

Snack food: Anything peanut butter

Holiday: Halloween and New Years Eve

Crossfit movement: Deadlift or bench press

Color: Green


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