April Spotlight Member - Mike Chromczak

  1. How did you get started on your CrossFit journey?
    As most people know my fitness passion is Obstacle Course Racing, like Spartan, SavageRace, BoneFrog and other venues. To date I have run 120 OCRs, including 3 - 50k+ ULTRAs, logging over 1,300 miles and over 3,300 obstacles (~93% obstacle success rate). I had been working out at Planet Fitness daily but was only able to get so far and would fail many obstacles and have to do the penalties (usually 30 burpees).  Since there were no other racers that I knew in the area to work out with, often times I’d drive 2 hours to an OCR gym in Pennsylvania… I know, crazy right, but I was determined to be a better weekend athlete.
    I needed something more well rounded and someone to train/teach me because I had no idea what I was doing and if I was even doing what I was doing correctly.  I reached out to quite a few people with little success until…
    My doctor(after a car accident 12 years previously), Dr. Vince Disabella told me about his experience with CrossFit and introduced me to it at his gym in Delaware. Living in North East, it was such a drive so Vince told me that he once belonged to CrossFit Equity and knew many of you, and suggested I give it a try.
    I found the place, after driving around a bit, and met Berek and Krista and a few others and ‘gave it a shot’!  I found everyone here to be welcoming and supportive… and found out just how little I knew about fitness and a healthy lifestyle! Thus began my CrossFit journey!

  2. How many years have you been a member at Equity?
    I’ve been a member 5 ½ years now!  Hardly seems like it’s been that long.

  3. Best advice for someone thinking of joining Equity?
    Don’t think, Do!  You’ll meet some of the most amazing people who happen to be CrossFit athletes and Coaches who will help you figure out what you want and where you’re starting from.   We all started somewhere… they can help you figure out what you’re looking to do, and help guide you to get there… all you need is the commitment.. to yourself!

  4. What was your first impression and how has that changed?
    My first impression was that the folks at Equity genuinely care about each other and cheer each other on, no matter what their skill level is.  After 5 ½ years, I have found it to be more than just a CrossFit gym, it’s so much more a CrossFit family. It goes without saying but I think it’s awesome that everyone’s family members are welcomed as part of the Equity Family.

  5. How has the gym improved your life? 
    How will the gym improve your life in the future? The gym has been a blessing in many ways, not just in the physical transformation, but also by welcoming me in to their community. It is so cool to be around people with, much like OCR, a positive attitude and a winner’s mindset!  Though the future remains to be seen, I have no doubt that it holds many great things that will continue to impact my life!

  6. What do you do for a living and how has CrossFit impacted that?
    I work as a shift manager at a 2 million square foot IKEA Distribution Center in Perryville.  The positivity and drive of both the OCR and Equity communities has helped me be a better leader and a more positive influence at work!

  7. What is your proudest moment at the gym and/or favorite moment?
    My proudest moment was the first time I Rx’d a workout, and finished (just barely) under the CAP! (Took over a year if I remember correctly!)

    My favorite moment was one I wasn’t even a part of!! Again, being passionate about OCRs, my favorite moment was hearing how much fun 20 or so of you had at the SavageRace last year in Kennedyville with Ashley Stacharowski leading the way, while I was running the Killington Beast.

Food - a sirloin cooked medium to medium rare, a baked potato, some asparagus (or grilled vegetables), and a beer or wine (depending who I’m with)
Color - green, blue, red
Movie - depends on the time of year or mood!
TV Show - I don’t watch much TV
Holiday - Christmas of course! It’s the time of year when most people act like the wonderful folks they truly are deep inside!
Crossfit Movement - not sure I have a favorite, but am sure of 3 movements I despise!
Favorite Quote: People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
- Theodore Roosevelt

As a final bit, I want to thank Berek, Krista, and all the coaches for all the hard work they do and the sacrifices of time they make to help support us, teach and coach us, set up teaching for other aspects of our lives like healthy eating seminars, one on one training, flexibility classes, the Podcasts, the many activities outside of CrossFit, and even the availability of a mental health counselor!  Equity is more than just a gym or CrossFit box, it’s a community and a way of life!
Thank you for welcoming me into it!
-Michael Chromczak (Michael Ocr)

Thank you Mike for being a part of the Equity family!


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