3 Tips to Help Your Kipping Pull-up

It is just plan fun to do gymnastic movements. Having the ability to hang from an object and get your chin over the top of the bar is rewarding and fun.

Part of the reason this style of training works is because we constantly trying new things, refining skills, and mixing it up. When things are fun and challenging we have a tendency to keep doing those things because it is rewarding.

Before we get to the tips here is a demo video of kipping pull-ups.

Here is 3 tips to help you refine those kipping pull-ups.

1. Hit your Lever
Our sequence of events for a kipping pull-up is hollow, arch, lever, pull, then push. Most beginners are in a rush to get their chin to the bar. Be patient and make sure to hit that lever.

The arms should be straight, the lats should be engaged and doing most of the lifting, we are pulling down on the pull-up bar, and we are moving back away from the bar. This takes A LOT of strength to do but this is the key position in the pull-up.


2. Push Away
Once you get your chin to the top of the most people go straight down, this is a problem. If we allow our body to go straight down at the top of the pull-up all of the momentum that we have built up is going push us forward. This is how the swinging starts and swinging on is not good.

To avoid this we need to counter that momentum by pushing away from the bar. If done properly this will send us back to the lever position.


3. Breath
I know this sounds simple but this is the most frequent cue that we use in the gym for pull-ups. When you are doing your first pull-up ever you probably are not breathing and that is okay. You want to make sure you have tension in your body and you are really focused on the movement. But when we are working on linking multiple reps you HAVE to breath or you are going to burn out VERY quickly.

Your chin over the bar is the ideal place to breath and the arch position in the bottom of the pull-up. This is a skill and takes time to practice and time to build into the habit. PRACTICE BREATHING.


Really hope this helps. If you have any questions or would like to schedule some 1-1 time to work on your pull-ups or other skills email me at berek.bryan@equity.fitness.



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For Your Viewing Pleasure - Video Compilation