Equity Fitness

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3 Tips to Help Your Front Squat

The front squat is awesome but it is really challenging. Here are three tips to help improve your front squat.

  1. Keep all your fingers on the bar as long as possible
    To get into a really good front rack position most people’s pinky’s and ring fingers will not be on the bar while front squatting. Keeping those fingers on the bar for as long as possible will start training your rack position to be better and you will slowly gain more flexibility/mobility in that position. Keep all the fingers on the bar will help maintain a strong and stable rack position.

  2. Work any type of dumbbell squat into your training
    The front squat requires a lot of ankle mobility. Similar to the front rack above the more you use that mobility and work it, the more you will get. Using dumbbells to squat changes the center of mass of the squat and forces you to use more ankle range of motion.

    During quarantine in March and April we were doing a TON of dumbbell movements and my squat depth and ankle mobility could use some improvement. At the time I didn’t really thing anything of it, then when we got back into the gym all of my squatting was easier and deeper. Thank you dumbbell front squat! :)

  3. Hit those chin-ups
    The front squat puts a lot of depend on the mid and upper back. When in the rack position the bar is pulling you forward and your back needs to be able to support that load and keep you upright. If your back cannot support that load the weight will drop forward or you will be in a non-ideal position.

    A great tool for building the upper and mid back is the chin-up. Bodyweight, banded, and/or weighted. Hit them up. They also just help you be stronger.

Get in the gym and hit it.

Do you have any questions about your front squat or other movements you want to improve? Drop me a line at berek.bryan@equity.fitness.

Let’s get better!
