Practice Does not Make Perfect

Before we start into the concept of practice, our goal is not to be perfect but to work towards better everyday. We will not always be able to achieve better but we are always pursuing better.

People all around the world drive cars everyday but there are still bad drivers. Even with constant “practice” driving everyday to and from work, dropping the kids off at practice, going to the grocery store, etc. If people are driving so much how come they are not getting better? They are not mindfully pursuing to get better they are just mindlessly doing the task.

Practice does not make perfect. Mindful, intentional, reflective practice makes you better. Without reflection, coaching, mentoring, and mindful practice there is no improving and we stagnate.

With that being said you don’t have to try and improve and be mindful about everything. It would be impossible to do that. You need to define what is important to you, what you enjoy, and what will help your family, then work on those things.

Working on your health and fitness will ensure you are around longer to enjoy your family, be with your friends, live your best life, tackle whatever life throws at you, and help others. Whatever brings you happiness and meaning in your life is enhanced by putting forward mindful work to improve at those things.

Strive to be better everyday and do it with intention.

Two great books on this concept.
Mindset -
The Infinite Game -

What do you think about working toward better everyday? Is it reasonable? I would love to hear your thoughts, let me know.

Ready to invest in yourself and take the next step on your health and fitness journey? Book a  'Virtual No Sweat Intro'.



Three Reasons Your Kids should do CrossFit: The Equity Podcast - Episode 6


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