There is No Growth without Struggle

Too much stress and we will break, not enough stress and we do not grow.

Back squatting is stressing your muscles and central nervous system. That stress causes a reaction from our body and we get stronger. This concept can be used in all avenues of our life. Financial stress will teach the value of an emergency fund and spending less then you earn and relationship stress will show you how important someone is or is not in your life.

John C. Maxwell talks about the purpose of a rubber band. Rubber bands are meant to be stretched, if they don’t stretch they don’t serve their purpose. When stretched they fulfill their purpose, but if you overstretch it it breaks. Put some stretch in your life.

I have seen another video very similar to this one below by Jason Wilson (Karate instructor and author of Cry Like a Man). The video below was posted by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. The kid in the video is being stretched and in the moment you feel bad for the kid and you just want to console him; however his teacher keeps pushing and stretching him. Just writing about it gets me emotional.

SOUND ON! You have to have the sound on. This will not resonate without the sound.

Find ways to add positive stress in your life and help others find that same type of stretch.



The 2020 CrossFit Games: The Equity Podcast - Episode 11


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